Tag: our team

Onward Search: The Best Of Twitter – 7/23/10
Happy Friday faithful Onward Search followers! The OS team was really moving and shaking on Twitter during the past two weeks. From summer vacations and culinary adventures to fighting with AT&T and friendly threats from co-workers, it’s all here in this week’s Twitter highlights:

Onward Search: The Best of Twitter – 7/2/2010
Happy Friday everyone and Happy Who-Doesn’t-Love-A-Long-Weekend Day! As usual, the Onward Search team was tweeting it up this week with comments both professional and funny (Keep reading to find out
Read More from Onward Search: The Best of Twitter – 7/2/2010

Chicago’s Courtney Davis Featured On The Job Stalker Blog
Onward Search recruiters always make a good impression everywhere they go, so I wasn’t surprised to find one of them featured in a Chicago Now blog this morning. After meeting at a couple of Chicago based networking events over the past year, Brendan Tripp, author of The Job Stalker, interviewed Account Executive Courtney Davis about her experiences in staffing. Courtney describes what the job market might bring in the next few months, offers advice to job seekers and explains what makes Onward Search so great.
Read the entire interview here and catch up with Courtney on Twitter at @CourtneyDavis. You can also learn more about the Chicago office and the latest job opportunities in the area here.
Read More from Chicago’s Courtney Davis Featured On The Job Stalker Blog

Tips From The Recruiter’s Desk
When it comes to your job search, the little things can have a lasting effect on your chances of getting that offer. This is much different from the occasional flubs we all make. Remember when you met that woman and asked when she was “due” only to find out she wasn’t with child? Or the time you said “You and your daughter share a striking resemblance,” to your co-worker and his much younger date? Ah, the social faux pas – so easy to make and generally easy to bounce back from. Unfortunately, recovering from a seemingly minor slip-up in your job search could be much more difficult.
In the interest of identifying these often over-looked mistakes, I spoke with the Onward Search recruiters about the tips they offer to help their candidates navigate the recruitment process and avoid the missteps.