Our 2025 Salary Guide has arrived! Download today.

Introducing the Social Media Jobs Salary Guide and Expert Career Advice From Onward Search

When was the last time you came across a successful business that DIDN’T have a solid social media presence? It’s no coincidence; companies who understand how to reach customers and build their online brand using social media are more successful and they gain their edge by hiring skilled social media professionals.

Now job seekers and seasoned professionals in social media have a brand new resource to help them decide where to take their social media careers. It’s the Onward Search Social Media Jobs Salary Guide and it contains the top job markets, most in-demand job titles and average salary ranges for this growing segment of Internet marketing. Click the image below to see the entire guide.

Now that you have the data on where the best social media jobs are, increase your chances of building the social media career of your dreams by learning directly from the experts who helped shape this new industry.

As a companion to the Social Media Jobs Salary Guide, we asked top marketing experts for their best pieces of advice about getting ahead in social media. Here are just a few of the pieces of career advice included in our Social Media Career Advice From Leading Marketers feature:

“Be present and be visible; in social media, everyone is vying for attention. The best way to get it is to provide value all the time in subjects related to the careers you desire.” – Tamar Weinberg, Digital Marketing Strategist
“Steer away from fuzzy metrics and focus on social media marketing tactics that move the needle.” – Brian Chappell, Social Search Strategist – Ignite Social Media
“…The best way to rock it as a social media anything is to be mindful of all the other areas of digital marketing and marketing in general. Then you’ll stand out as a social media professional.”- Jason Falls, CEO – Social Media Explorer and Author – No Bullshit Social Media: The All-Business, No-Hype Guide To Social Media Marketing
“Be ready to give. (Social media) influence comes with giving back to the community, to your contacts and to people you don’t even know. Don’t think about getting anything back – become a sincere and authentic giver!”- Ann Smarty, My Blog Guest
“Along with being the first of your friends to learn about new social tools/channels that are developed, focus on understanding how they can be used as a business tool. If your mind starts developing ideas for campaigns and business strategies before others, then you’re way ahead of the curve.”- Rich DeMatteo, Bad Rhino Inc., Co-Founder
The Social Media Jobs Salary Guide and the Social Media Career Advice From Leading Marketers feature will get you moving towards a rewarding career in social media. Have questions about social media jobs in your area? Contact the Onward Search recruiters right now and they’ll get you connected with a great social media opportunity!

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