Everyone at Onward Search is really getting into the spirit of the holidays, and what better way to do that than with an Ugly Holiday Sweater Contest? Check out the creative, awkward and just plain funny sweaters everyone donned today.

Since this is an official contest among all the Onward Search offices, we welcome your comments and votes on who you think deserves the title of Ugliest Holiday Sweater. We’ll announce the winners and post more pictures next week.
Until then, have a fantastic weekend!
***12/21/10 UPDATE***
The office votes on this ridiculously fun contest are in and the winners are… (drum roll please)…
Annie Bohnen from our Atlanta team received the third most votes with this bright holiday number AND is the winner of our Readers Choice Award with the most blog comment votes for her entry. Way to go Annie!
Ryan Watson from our New York City office gathered the second most votes by donning this vest/turtleneck combo and striking an extra gleeful holiday pose. Very well done, Ryan!
And the sweater that received the most votes was the crazy, sparkly, jingly, battery-pack-powered Christmas nightmare I brought into our Wilton, CT Headquarters office last week. I was so proud to win I jumped for joy!
Many thanks to everyone who shared this truly unique and very fun holiday contest with us. While we do love a good ugly holiday sweater, we get the most kicks out of connecting you with the best career opportunities out there so apply today and contact us. We can’t wait to help you land the job of your dreams this holiday season!