Hiring on a Budget: How to Do More with Less

5 Tips for Career Success in 2011

Even though 2010 was an amazing year, we at Onward Search can’t wait to see what 2011 has in store. All the innovations and developments we saw in Internet marketing, interactive design and mobile application development this year are sure to offer talented professionals like you even more opportunities to grow and excel in your careers.

Since your career success is what Onward Search is all about, we asked the recruiters here to share their most valuable pieces of advice for candidates as they approach the New Year. Here’s what they had to say:

1) “Remember; the project you take on today could catapult you into your new career tomorrow!”

As an Internet marketer, interactive designer or mobile app developer, you’re working in the fastest moving industries on the planet so keeping your skills sharp is beyond important. If you find you’re not working on projects that enhance your skill set or expand your capabilities, or if what you’re working on now is the same thing you were doing 3 months ago, your chances of landing that awesome job will be hurt and you might be losing your competitive edge. Make sure you shake things up, challenge yourself regularly and take every opportunity to work on something new.

2) “Never miss an opportunity to meet with an influencer or potential hiring manager because the more people you know the better.”

If the three rules of real estate are “Location, Location, Location”, then the three rules of finding a great job are “Networking, Networking, Networking!” Even if you’re the most talented designer, web developer, search marketer, blogger or link builder on the planet, and you have the resume to prove it, your journey towards that perfect job will be much shorter if you have good connections with the right people in your industry. Make it a priority to meet decision makers and influencers because a larger network will yield more opportunities.

3) “Keep yourself as up to date as possible on the digital space both from a personal/social perspective and from a professional/skill perspective.”

Let’s be honest – the professionals who are blazing ahead in the digital space aren’t using the Jitterbug for their cell phone, consuming news via newspapers and magazines, or using a early 2000-era Windows XP laptop.  They’re eating, breathing, and living the digital lifestyle and living on the cutting edge of technology.  When you’re passionate about your career and really love what you do for a living, that dedication will be reflected in your lifestyle too. Showing a hiring manager that you “walk the walk” of a web professional both inside and outside of the office will boost your chances of being added to their team.

4) “Brand yourself and establish an identity that an employer can immediately attribute to you and not just another template.”

Maintaining a personal brand isn’t a nice-to-have, it’s a must-have if you expect to get anywhere in your career next year. If you’re an Internet marketer or a creative professional, let’s face it, your work is you and it speaks to everything you are as a professional. The online presence you cultivate reinforces the brand you want to demonstrate to a future employer so doesn’t it make sense to build a great brand? If you haven’t done it already, get your portfolio, resume, professional blog, etc, out there and let your brand do the talking.

5) “Gone are the days of submitting your resume and just sitting back on your laurels waiting for the company to get back to you.”

If you submit your resume online and proceed to sit back and wait for a response, it’s plain and simple; you are doing it wrong. The impact of the recession among those who do the hiring is clear – as a job seeker, you need to control your own destiny by taking action. Hiring managers have been inundated with candidates over the past few years so it’s crucial to be professionally aggressive if you want to make an impression. Reach out, be proactive, take initiative to connect with the right people and don’t forget to send follow ups and thank you notes.

We can’t wait for 2011 and we look forward to helping you succeed in the New Year! Take this advice with you as you embark on your journey to the perfect job and don’t hesitate to contact us. See you next year!

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