Yesterday we were pleased to announce a new partnership with SEMPO. We’re really excited to be working with SEMPO to develop programs that help grow the supply of search marketers across the country.
As part of our partnership, we’re going to provide SEMPO with content for the SEMPO Institute and other content offerings around career development for new and search marketers alike, as well provide Onward Search employees with $1200 of tuition reimbursement as part of our tuition reimbursement program. Additionally, Onward Search professionals who complete one year of full-time employment will also be eligible to receive full reimbursement for Individual SEMPO membership.
We’ve been working on this partnership for a fair amount of time and would like to thank the whole team over at SEMPO for being so great to work with. The full press release is available for download below.
Onward Search and SEMPO Announce Partnership 8-13-08.pdf (25.55 kb)