Hiring on a Budget: How to Do More with Less

Onward Search Quick Tip #5 – Ask a Lot of Questions

Questions are good.  They help you reinforce decisions, clear up confusion, and learn more about yourself.  When looking for a new job you will be required to ask a lot of questions of yourself and of prospective employers.  The more questions you ask, the better prepared you will be to accomplish your goals.

Asking Questions of Yourself:

Self assessment is very important to personal growth.  If you are in between jobs it is crucial to really know who you are and what you want.  In order to get a good handle on this you need to ask yourself a number of questions.  By knowing what you are good at and what you aren’t good at, you will be able to focus your job search on positions that play to your strengths.  If you are aware of the type of corporate culture that plays well with your work habits, you will be able to avoid companies that you might not mesh with.  When asking questions of yourself, think about your career.  Some sample questions you can ask yourself include:

  • Where do I want to be in 5, 10, 15 years?
  • Do the jobs I am looking at support my career ambitions?
  • What separates me from other professionals?

If you know what you want, it will allow you to put more confidence behind your decisions and drive yourself to achieve more than before.

Asking Questions in Interviews:

When going into an interview, always be prepared with good questions to ask.  The process of thinking of questions will allow you to evaluate what truly is important to you about the position you are looking at.  When you get a chance to ask questions in an interview, make the most out of it.   Some possible questions to ask in an interview include:

  • What would be expected from me  in my first week, month, quarter, of work?
  • Does the position function as part of a team or more as an independent collaberator?
  • What growth potential does this position have?

By asking thoughtful questions, potential employers will easily be able to sense that you are sincerely interested in the position.

The more you know about yourself and prospective jobs, the more confident you will be to make decisions.  Asking questions allows you to uncover details that aren’t obvious on the surface, and will get your mind thinking about other topics you might have otherwise overlooked.  Having a complete understanding of your strengths and what you want to accomplish will allow you to take control and move closer to reaching your goals.

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